Reflections African Jewelry, LLC

african waist beads


Sheinata Carn-Hall1 Comment

Kwanzaa is an African traditional designed to help people of African descent celebrate the first harvest. It was created by Dr. Maulana Karenga in 1966. Although it was created for black people in The United States it is celebrated throughout the world. It is a time for reassessing, reaffirming and rewarding all that we have done in the past year.  It is also a holiday that reflects our African culture.

Kwanzaa is celebrated for seven days from December 26th till January 1st. Each day corresponds with the 7 days and has principals. Nugozo Saba is the name for the seven principals of Kwanzaa.

The first principal is on Dec. 26th and is Umoja (Unity). It means to strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation and race.

The second principal is on Dec. 27th and is Kujichagulia (Self Determination). It means to define ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves.

The third principal is on Dec. 28th and is Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility). It means to build and maintain our community together and make our brother's and sister's problems our problems and solve them together.

The fourth principal is on Dec. 29th and is Ujimaa (Cooperative Economics). It means to build and maintain our own stores, shops and other businesses and to profit from them together.

The fifth principal is on Dec. 30th and is Nia (Purpose). It means to make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

The sixth principal is on Dec. 31st and is Kuumba (Creativity). It means to do always as much as we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it,

 The seventh principal is on Jan. 1st and is Imani (Faith). It means to believe with all are hearts in our parents, our teachers, our leaders and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

How To Prepare for Kwanzaa

Preperations for Kwanzaa should start a week in advance. You can begin too set out your symbols. The colors of Kwanzaa are from the Bendera Ya Taifa and is the flag of the black nation. The red represents the blood of our ancestors. Black is for the collective color of all black people. Green reminds us of the land, life and new ideas we must continue to obtain. 

Kwanzaa has seven symbols. The first symbol is the Mkeke. It is the straw mat and represents our traditions and foundation upon which eveything rests. The second symbol is the Kinara. It is the candle holder and represents our roots, our African ancestors. The third symbol is the Mishumaa Saba. It is the seven candles and represents the seven principals in the Nugozo Saba. The fourth symbol of is the Kikombe Cha Umoja. It is the unity cup is used to pour libation and is a cup for us all to drink from as a unit in unity. The fifth symbol of Kwanzaa is the Mazao. It represents the crops or the fruits of our labor. The sixth symbol is the Muhindi. It is the corn and represents the children. Each ear of corn represents a child and the future that is attached to children. The seventh symbol is the Zawadi. It represents the gifts. Books or carvings are goos forms of Zawadi because they remind us of education in our own cultural heritage. Gifts can also be given during Kwanzaa that are handmade.

The African Headwrap

Sheinata Carn-HallComment

The African headwrap has become an exotic symbol and fashion statement probably at it's conception. Each headwrap gives the wearer a chance to express Africa and African fashion in their own unique way. However there is much more to the headwrap then the beautiful colors and fascinating style. There is a rich cultural history.

The headwrap originated in sub sahara Africa. It represents spirituality, prosperity and humility. Even men in Africa wear headwraps to symbolize wealth and social status. Headwrapping is literally a way that Africans for centuries have been able to non verbally communicate their place in life. Head wraps also serve as a practical function protecting the head from the rays of the sun. In West Africa headwraps are called Gele in Yoruba, Ichafu in Ibo and turbans in the Middle East. I hope that I have inspired you to go look up some of the other symbols and meanings of this exotic fashion statement.

The Symbolism of the Ankh

Sheinata Carn-HallComment

The ankh is a symbol that is usually associated with Egypt but it was honored throughout Africa. It represents life itself. Signifying wisdom and insight on the highest levels. Fertility is also associated with this sacred symbol. When used as a fertility symbol it represents the union of the masculine and feminine energy which in turn creates life on the physical plane. If we were not fertile we would not be able to create the lives that we live. So fertility can be viewed in many different ways much like the Ankh. On the mental plane it represents the union of the left and right brain or the union of Heaven and Earth. There have been many books written about the Ankh so go out and read about all the interesting things that this beloved African symbol means!

African Waistbeads: The History and Symbolism

Sheinata Carn-HallComment

The tradition of African waistbeads were made popular by the Yoruba tribe of Nigeria. The were worn a symbols of womanhood, fertility, protection and spirituality. In history these beads are recorded to have been worn as early as the 15th century to serve many celebratory purposes including rites of passage. Sometimes beads are worn as a status symbol when they are outside the clothes. When worn inside the clothes or without clothes they are symbols to a husband or lover. 

It is common for women in Ghana to wear waist beads as ornaments, as well as for symbolic adornment, which serves as a sign of wealth, femininity or aristocracy, as well as spiritual well-being. During Ghanaian naming ceremonies, babies are typically adorned with waist beads, while young adults also wear beads around their waists and on their hips during puberty rites as a portrayal of femininity. These beads are believed to possess the power to attract as well as evoke deep emotional responses.

Many Ghanaian women will tell you that they use their waist beads to shape their waist. It is believed that the practice of wearing multiple waist beads over time will help to keep the waist small and accentuate the hips. Since traditional waist beads are strung on cotton cord (and without a clasp/hook) they can be a good tool to measure weight gain and loss. They will not stretch; they will either break or continue to roll up the waist when weight has been gained. Similarly, they will roll down or eventually become so loose they will fall off when weight has been lost.

Don’t be fooled by photos of only slender women wearing waist beads. Women of all shapes and sizes can confidently adorn themselves with waist beads as well. Because traditionally beads are worn along your panty or bikini line and not your actual waist it allows for all women to comfortably wear waist beads no matter their size. Wearing them is really a personal reflection and appreciation for your God-given beauty.